There are a few specific things that you should know about and consider when you want to make the most of the social channels. It does not only involve creating great content but also about the time to post it across different social channels. It is a science and psychology, especially when it comes to the time to post on social channels. Discussing this in phases will help you to understand things in a much better way.
The number one job in social media marketing strategy is to create a spectacular content that is:
- Appealing
- Interesting
- Helpful to solve a problem and
It should also be engaging and help you to build relationships with your customer leads. In no way, it should rive the visitors away from it being an aggressive sales tactic.
Most marketers know this, and according to a study report of the Content Marketing Institute, it is demonstrated that:
- 86% of B2C marketers use content marketing and
- 91% of B2B marketers do the same.
Ideally, content is one of the best ways in which a business can send the message across to their customers, especially in this age of ad-blocking. This saves them spending thousands of dollars on ads to present their products and services in front of as many people as possible. Ads are also very annoying to customers.
Well, content is the king, no doubt, but then you run into the next problem: when do you post it on the social media platforms to maximize the impact.
Looking into the Facebook stats
You should be very keen on knowing and using the optimal timing to post on social media. For this, you will need to know the science behind it, the psychology of the customers as well as collect all the related information and data regarding online communication. This will help you to put everything together and determine the optimal time to post on social channels.
Take Facebook at first because this happens to have the highest number of monthly active users on this platform. According to Facebook’s News Feed algorithm, time decay is one significant issue. However, with the recent Story Bumping feature, this time decay issue may matter a lot less now, but still, it is quite relevant and essential for you to know. A content posted three months ago will have less effect in comparison to one that is published a couple of days back.
However, when it comes to specific times and days of posting on Facebook, research says that:
- Posting on Thursdays and Fridays have 18% more engagement and
- Posting on weekends will fetch 32% higher engagement.
As for the time of the day, posting at 1 pm will get most shares, and at 3 pm will get more clicks. If you want a broader section, then it is 9 am and 7 pm. However, posting in the early afternoon and any time after dinner and before work are the best times.
Twitter and Instagram stats
When it comes to Twitter and Instagram, which are the next two popular social channels after Facebook, to determine the best time to post on these platforms to gain more Twitter and Instagram followers can be a bit tricky. This is because these are networks for mobile users. Dan Zarrella’s research has found that:
- Brands can get Twitter engagement up to 17% more if posted on weekends and
- Click-through rates on Instagram are usually higher on mid-week, weekends, and especially on Wednesdays.
According to another study by Argyle Social, it shows that posting on weekdays on both these platforms provide 14% more engagement in comparison to weekend posts.
Research says that:
- People are 181% more likely to check their accounts when they commute and
- 119% more likely to check it when they are in school or work.
Therefore, when it comes to the posting time of the day, it is best to post in during noon or between 5 to 6 pm because these are the times when people are either in school or work or commute after work.
Time to send emails
Apart from creating the right content, it is also required to know the right time to send it as well. Typically, there has been lots of research to determine the best times to send emails. Different studies have come up with mixed results, such as:
- 10 pm to 6 am in the dead zone because mails are hardly opened within this time as people are usually asleep
- 6 to 10 am the best for mails that are consumer-based
- 10 am to noon is not worth sending a mail as it will not be opened because most people are working then
- Noon to 2 pm is the lunchtime when people look at their inbox
- 2 to 3 pm is the time after lunch when people ignore mails
- 3 to 5 pm are the best time to send financial and property-related mails
- 5 to 7 pm is the best time to send B2B and holiday promotions and
- 7 to 10 pm is the best time for consumer promotions being the dinner time.
In general, if you want to get it right, the best time to send an email that will have a high open and click-through rate is during the early mornings.
Share great content
No matter whichever platform you choose to post your content, and whenever you wish to post, it goes without saying that you will need great content for it. This is because:
- Great content will ensure higher engagement
- It will trigger better and faster growth of your social media community
- It will increase the reach
- It will help you to build your authority on the platform and
- It will help you to influence the leaders in your specific industry to get engaged.
There are lots of fees and paid resources online where you will get some incredible content that you will find most useful to build your social community. These sources will save a lot of time and effort that you can devote to other important areas of your business.
Author Bio: Karen is a Business Tech Analyst. She is very responsible towards her job. She loves to share her knowledge and experience with her friends and colleagues.
Chris Kinney
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